We encourage students/clients and parents/guardians to be open with agency staff members. If you are unhappy with something being done by our agency, please speak with whom you work the most to resolve the problems.
If you still have a concern, call the Director of the appropriate program. If necessary, the difficulty can be channeled to the Superintendent and, ultimately, to our Board.
Administrative Resolution of Complaints*
In addition to rights otherwise guaranteed by state and federal law, Ohio guarantees all clients or applicants the right to appeal with regard to eligibility determination, arranging appropriate services, or any denial, reduction, or termination of services by the Lorain County Board of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. An individual who wishes to appeal may be assisted by an advocate. All appeals and decisions are to be written.
The individual first files an appeal with the supervisor of the applicable service. Further appeal is next directed to the Superintendent of the Board. The next step is the County Board, with a hearing to be held and evidence to be recorded. The last step is a written appeal to the Director of the Ohio Department of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities.
County Board staff is available to assist throughout this procedure if you wish.
- Upon request, a complete copy is available
Civil Rights Complaints
To report possible abuse, neglect, or discrimination against someone who is mentally retarded and/or developmentally disabled call:
Ohio Department of MR/DD
(800) 231-5872
(614) 466-6294 (in Columbus)
To report alleged violations of the civil rights of individuals with mental retardation and/or developmental disabilities call:
Ohio Legal Rights
(800) 282-9181